Holy Week 2019

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We hope you are as excited to celebrate Holy Week with our community as we are! There is much going on, so we thought we would create one page that included everything you need to know for this week.


  • April 18 at 7:00pm » Maundy Thursday service
    (childcare provided)

  • April 19 at 12:00pm » Good Friday service
    (childcare not provided)

  • April 21 at 9:00 & 11:15 » Easter Sunday

🐣 Children’s Programs

There will be childcare provided during Maundy Thursday service.

Childcare will not be provided during Good Friday service.

There will not be Sunday School on Easter Sunday, but there will be Gospel Story Time during the sermon at both services.

🙏 Prayer Guide

Robert has written a prayer guide that will walk us through each day of Holy Week. Click below to read this prayer guide.

✍️ Day-By-Day Blog Series

We are also sharing a blog series Robert has written which tracks Jesus’ final days before the cross.

🥯 Easter Choir Brunch

Each year, we serve the choir by providing breakfast for them between services. If you are interested in helping out this year, please sign up here:
