Senior Ministry at TCPC
Vision Statement:
The TCPC Senior Ministry, in concert with all TCPC generations and ministries, exists to develop a culture of service to and by older adults as an extension of the TCPC vision for the glory of Christ and the good of the Bluegrass.
Senior Luncheon
The next Senior Luncheon will be March 9! As this is a free luncheon, PLEASE RSVP so that we have sufficient food for everyone. You can register by clicking the button below. We hope to see you there!
Activities and Programs:
Church-wide luncheons sponsored by the Senior Ministry are generally held on the 2nd Sunday of the month. May is the exception because of Mother's Day. Fun, fellowship and food along with an interesting program or activity at each luncheon. Announcements are generally in the church newsletter and in the worship bulletin.
Serving Youth through mentoring and/or other interactions.
Day trips and special group outings are being planned for future dates. Dates and details will be announced soon in the newsletter and worship bulletin.
The Wednesday afternoon Bible study at 2:00 at the Legacy Reserve is continuing under the leadership of Jim Kearfott. Visitors from the church are always welcome to join the residents!
Sponsoring a Memoir Project to encourage the writing of reminiscences and spiritual journeys as a legacy for our families.
Our bimonthly newsletter to the seniors was launched in December as part of our effort to improve communications among the seniors. We have Chuck Workman to thank for initiating this project. If you have issues or questions you would like to see addressed in the newsletter, please contact him at
If you would like more information or have some ideas you would like to share, please contact:
David & Colleen Smith, Co-Directors of the Senior Ministry - &
Facebook page: