The membership process for Tates Creek Presbyterian Church begins by attending Foundations, a class taught over a weekend by our pastors.  This class covers the foundations of our faith and how to become a member, and it is offered quarterly on a Friday evening and Saturday morning.




6:00 PM - Check-In

6:30 PM - Dinner

7:15 PM - Session #1

8:15 PM - Session #2

9:15 PM -  Adjourn for the evening


8:30 AM - Breakfast & Coffee

9:00 AM - Session #3

10:00 AM - Session #4

11:00 AM - Session #5 

12:00 NOON - Adjourn


The next Foundations will take place on March 7-8, 2025. Click below to register, or email Nate Jones at if you have any questions.



If you have already attended a Foundations Weekend, please click below to fill out a membership application:

NOTE: If you are married, both you and your spouse should each fill out your own application.


Why is church membership so important?

Church membership is much more than a meaningless formality.  The Bible does not give us the option of identifying ourselves with God but not God’s people.  Though it is true that we are saved through faith alone, membership to Christ’s Church is the visible declaration of this saving faith.  In this way, we truly believe Church membership is the Biblical expectation of every Christian.

But beyond expectation, Church membership is important because you need the Church, and the Church needs you.  You need the Church because this institution offers unique helps (worship, sacraments, fellowship, discipleship, discipline, etc.) that every Christian needs to survive. And the Church needs you because this institution uniquely flourishes through the gifts and service of each member.  We would be honored and thrilled for Tates Creek Presbyterian Church, as a local manifestation of Christ’s Church, to be the place of your membership – you need us and we need you!