TCPC News for August 26
This Week During Worship...
9:00 AM Service
Membership Vows: Austin & Ruth Doctor
Baptism: Ellis & Patrick Doctor, sons of Austin & Ruth Doctor
Parish Groups Starting in September
Parish Groups will be resuming in September! In light of the complexity of in-person gathering due to Covid 19, we aim to keep Parish Groups as simple as possible for the new year. Therefore, you will not need to sign up for a group this fall, but the groups from last year will remain in place. You will be hearing from your Parish Group leader in the coming weeks!
If you are new to Parish Groups, please click here to sign up.
If you would like to be reassigned to a new group, email Mark Randle ( and he will get you in a group.
Women's Bible Studies
The Women’s Bible Study for the fall will begin on September 16. We will be using Nancy Guthrie’s ‘The Wisdom of God: Seeing Jesus in the Psalms and Wisdom Books’ which is available through several online sources. Various meeting options including in person and Zoom will be available.
Learn more and sign up online at
VERITAS Sunday School Class
The VERITAS Adult Sunday School class will return to a study of the Epistle to the Galatians, Chapters 3-6, beginning September 13th. Our teacher will be Ron Whitley. You are welcome to join us in the Parlor, or virtually via Zoom. Kindly e-mail Harry Standinger ( if you plan to attend in-person, or to receive a link to the virtual meeting.
Mom's Day Out Openings
TCPC's Mom's Day Out program is starting back on September 1st! We serve 1-4-year-olds on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9am to 1pm. We are still able to accommodate several more children this year! We are also looking for substitute teachers. Email Malisa Anderson at if you are interested.
LIFT (Ladies In Fellowship Together)
LIFT (Ladies In Fellowship Together) will be starting again towards the end of September 2020. We will meet in small groups of 6-9 women in a home once a month, September through April. This year we will be visiting together and discussing “Union with Christ” by Rankin Wilbourne.
We invite to sign up in the TCPC Narthex or click here to sign up online. The deadline for signups will be Friday, September 4th.
If you have any questions please contact, Mary Beth Moore at 859-327-5527, or Kelly-Anne Bradley at 859-327-9258.
RSVP for August 30 Worship
Please click the button below to access the RSVP forms.
Job Openings at Trinity Christian Academy
Trinity is currently hiring for the following positions:
Upper School Aide (seasonal)
Lower School Aides (seasonal)
Lower School Custodian (seasonal)
For more information, contact Melissa Feaster at