TCPC News for August 19

Reminder about New Service Times

Because our worship services have started to reach the maximum capacity that social distancing will allow in the Sanctuary, we have added an additional service at 1:00 PM. We've also moved our late-morning service back 15 minutes, so it will now start at 11:00 AM. Our 9:00 AM service will remain at 9:00 AM.

In summary, our service times are: 9:00 AM, 11:00 AM, and 1:00 PM.

Please be sure to RSVP so that we know you are coming! It is very important to those who are planning for the safety of these services to know how many people will be attending.

RSVP for August 23 Worship

Please click the button below to access the RSVP forms.

RSVP for August 23 Worship

Women’s Bible Study Starts September 16

The Women’s Bible Study for the fall will begin on September 16. We will be using Nancy Guthrie’s "The Wisdom of God: Seeing Jesus in the Psalms and Wisdom Books" which is available through several online sources. Various meeting options including in person and Zoom will be available. Sign up will be available soon.

Parish Groups Starting in September

Parish-groups will be resuming in September! In light of the complexity of in-person gathering due to Covid 19, we aim to keep parish-groups as simple as possible for the new year. Therefore, you will not need to sign up for a group this fall, but the groups from last year will remain in place. However, if you are new to Parish Groups, or need to be reassigned to a new group, email Mark Randle ( and he will get you in a group. You will be hearing from your Parish Group leader in the coming weeks!

Job Openings at Trinity Christian Academy

Trinity is currently hiring for the following positions:

  • Upper School Nurse (part-time)

  • Upper School Aide (seasonal)

  • Lower School Aides (seasonal)

  • Lower School Custodian (seasonal)

For more information, contact Melissa Feaster at

Paul Adams