Our Organ

In 2005, the church installed 32-rank Moeller pipe organ in the new sanctuary. The organ was originally built for First Baptist Church in Kalamazoo, Michigan. When that church decided to replace its organ with a new instrument, TCPC purchased the Moeller and sent a team of volunteer workers to Michigan to remove it from its original home. The organ was beautifully restored by P. J. Swartz Pipe Organ Services of Eatonton, Georgia. It is a classic American instrument in the symphonic tradition that characterized many organs of that era. Because the [specifications] were designed for a wide variety of literature, it has been used for an array of eclectic styles. The organ is enclosed in three chambers, all under expression, unusual for most organs. All three chambers are positioned for maximum acoustical effect along the back of the 65-seat choir loft. The organ is ideally suited for an evangelical church that has many kinds of functions, ranging from formal worship services to conferences and community concerts.

The organ was dedicated by Dr. Joyce Jones on October 30, 2005 (Reformation Sunday). A standing room only crowd filled the sanctuary. The program may be viewed here.

Organ Specifications

1950 Restored Moller Organ, No. 8082

September, 2005

Stop List



Trumpet 8 – Tuba 8


Double trumpet 32 (digital) – Double Trumpet 16

Rohrflote 4 – Spitz cornet III

Gedekt 8 – Superoktave 4

Bourdon 8 – Spitzflote 8

Rohrgedekt 16 – Oktave 8

Bourdon 16 – Spitzflote 16

Bourdon 32 (digital) – Diapason 16



Great unison off – Great to great 4

Great to great 16 – Tremolo

Fourniture IV – Tuba 8

Flute ouverte 4 – Superoctave 2

Hohlflote 8 – Octave 4

Spitzflote 8 – Diapson 8

Spitzflote 16 – Chimes Zimbelstern



Swell unison off – Swell to swell 16 – Swell to swell 4

Tremolo – Vox humana 8 – Clarion 4

Oboe 8 – Contrafagotto 16 – Trumpet 8

Flautina 2 – Koppel flote 4 – Plein Jeu IV

Viol da gamba 8 – Viol celeste 8 – Principal 4

Rohrflote 8

Rohrflote 16



Choir unison off – Choir to choir 4

Choir to choir 16 – tremolo

English horn 8 – Tuba 8

Piccolo 2 – Tuba 16

Dolcan 4 – Quint 1 1/3

Dolcan celeste 8 – Nachthorn 4

Concert flute 8 – Dolcan 8




Great to pedal 8

Great to pedal 4

Swell to pedal 8

Swell to pedal 4

Choir to pedal 8

Choir to pedal 4

Midi on pedal


Swell to great 16

Swell to great 8

Swell to great 4

Choir to great 16

Choir to great 8

Choir to great 4

Midi on great


Swell to choir 16

Swell to choir 8

Swell to choir 4

Midi on choir

Midi on swell


Adjustable Combinations

Twelve generals and 99 levels of memory

Master expression


Eight swell pistons

Eight great pistons

Eight choir pistons

Six pedal pistons