Music Ministry
“Next to the Word of God, music deserves the highest praise. The gift of language combined with the gift of song was given to man that he should proclaim the Word of God through music.” – Martin Luther
Music is one of the vital areas of worship at Tates Creek Presbyterian Church. Through the Holy Spirit, God uses music to draw His people into deeper relationship with Jesus Christ. It is a powerful medium that often heightens the Christian’s understanding of God’s word. Music is also an effective tool for evangelistic outreach. The gift of music helps build the kingdom of Christ. We strive to honor God with worshipful music and services that will inspire the congregation to praise and adore our heavenly Father.
The adult choir rehearses on Wednesday evenings from 6:25 pm – 7:55 pm. Rehearsals are held in the sanctuary choir loft from late August through June. Anyone with an interest in singing is welcome. There is no audition and music reading ability is not required. Childcare during rehearsals is provided in the nursery.
The adult choir leads worship in both services on Sunday mornings. Some choir members sing during both services, but most sing in the service that best fits the family schedule. The warm up rehearsals are in the Music Room, and are at 8:00 am and 10:30 am.
The music repertoire is diverse, ranging from gospel song arrangements to well-know choral classics such as the Faure Requiem, Thompson’s Alleluia, and Vivaldi’s Glorida.
In addition to Sunday worship, the choir participates in occasional special programs. A Service of Lessons and Carols is presented during the Advent season with choir and orchestra. In recent years, the choir has also participated in a Ligoner Conference, PCA General Assembly, and an American Guild of Organists sponsored Organ Spectacular.
The youth choir rehearses on Sunday mornings at the beginning of the Sunday School hour in the Music Room. Membership is open to anyone in grades 7-12. The choir works on a wide variety of music styles, some easy and some challenging. The youth sings occasionally in worship services and participates in the annual Lessons and Carols service. No audition is required.
The church owns a four-octave set of Schulmerich bells. The choir rehearses about twice a month from September through May and plays in morning worship about six times throughout the year. The choir also plays for occasional special events, such as the annual Lessons and Carols service.
All children from age 4 through the fourth grade participate in our Sunday School Assembly program. The assemblies meet at the beginning of the Sunday School hour from 9:40 to 9:55 AM. Children learn the rudiments of music and singing and also are prepared to be active participants in worship. Occasionally, one or more of these groups will sing a prepared song or anthem during morning worship.