So Much for Civilized Culture

Do not be deceived, America. Lurking in the shadows of our smug culture is one of the cruelest practices this world has ever known. Perhaps we aren’t sacrificing our children to the sun god, but we are sacrificing our children to the god of profit, convenience, secular ideology, and whatever other motivations have given way to this barbaric practice.

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Changing Your Perspective on Predestination

What we need to understand is that the starting point of all theology must begin with a God-centered view of all things. If we view the Scriptures through a man-centered lens, then the Scriptures will at best confuse us and at worst infuriate us. But if there is a perspective shift to a God-centered view of reality, then we will start wrestling with different questions.

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Thoughts on Divorce

Sunday’s sermon has led to a lot of important questions and dialogue. I anticipated this because divorce has become so normative that it is difficult to find anyone not touched by it, and so to have Jesus speak so emphatically against it should cause a stir. I want to pastorally follow up with some thoughts on the issue of divorce.

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