You Have Two Choices

I came across this absolutely fascinating video, and it took my breath away.

Take 10 minutes and watch it for yourself… click here

If you watched it then you were confronted with glory that goes beyond comprehension.  The images and information are so magnificent they are humbling, and it all begs the same question … where did this come from?  What is the original source behind Alexander Tsiaras’ perfectly worded concluding statement, “the magic, that is existence, that is us”?

Here you have two choices, and that is it.  It feels frighteningly simplistic to state it that way, but it really is that simple—something is behind this or nothing is behind this.  On the most basic fundamental level we humans, who have the capacity to marvel, must decide whether the existence we marvel is from something personal or impersonal.

By personal, I mean an ultimate personal being (a God).  By impersonal, I mean an ultimate impersonal material (a gas or something).  Either there is a being, a divinity, a mind, a person behind these endless complexities, or there is some foundational material, a gas, a matter, a molecule, or some would even say a nothingness vacuum—something impersonal that has randomly and coincidentally mutated into these endless complexities.

Why is it so ridiculous to believe a personal Being is behind it?  I am very familiar with atheistic materialism.  I have read their books, heard their arguments, and even participated formally in their debates, and still, for the life of me, I can’t understand why it is so implausible and out of the realm of possibility for there to be a God.

When you consider the endless intricacies so perfectly woven together, when you consider the limitless vastness together with the microscopic tuning, why would we attribute such things to random, unguided, mutating, nothingness?   It’s almost patronizing to speak of existence in such a way.  You can feel this in the video as a genius mathematician wrestles with the unexplainable.

He is grasping for vocabulary, calling it “magic and divine.”  His genius is confounded as he confesses, “The mathematical models are beyond human comprehension.  Even though I’m a mathematician, I look at this with the marvel of how do these instruction sets not make mistakes as they build what is us?”  He even goes as far as to say that his discoveries revealed a, “so perfectly organized structure that it was hard not to attribute divinity to it.”

So call me crazy and naïve but …why not attribute divinity to it?  Am I missing something here?  Science began as an exploration of what God has done.  Why has that now become utterly inconceivable to so many?

The sure reality of existence is that we cannot comprehend it, and we never will.  In the end we watch videos like this and are all left marveling—either marveling at a Creator God, or marveling at a random process. Every discovery unveils a thousand more mysteries.  Why is it so implausible to suggest that there is a God behind the mysteries?  The answer, of course, is that this is a perfectly good explanation and should be examined with the utmost sincerity.

Granted, this proves no claim of Christianity outside of the most basic claim that there is a God.  The next inevitable question is, “Well then what is God?”  From here I think Jesus Christ is far and away the most compelling answer and where I have chosen to land.  (Especially considering the resurrection of Jesus. Join us Easter Sunday if you would like to explore this more)

There are two options.  I suppose you could attribute glory to meaningless impersonal mutating matter.  Or you could heed the invitation of the Creator from Psalm 46:10, “Be still, and know that I am God.”
