The TCPC Budget for 2019-2020
TCPC Budget for 2019-2020
TCPC utilizes a needs-based budgeting system. Instead of simply adding a generic annual percentage increase, we prayerfully assess what it actually costs to implement our vision, and then prayerfully trust the Lord to provide. Two years ago we determined that an ideal budget for our church is $2.9 million. But at the same time, we did not think it wise to take one large leap, but instead to implement several incremental increases each year. This year we are prayerfully trusting the Lord to provide $2,490,640. While this is not the ideal 2.9 million, it is an increase of just over 400,000 that we believe is necessary to meet the needs of our current ministries and prevent our mission from taking a step backward.
This year's budget and our plan to be good stewards of your generosity may be viewed below. In the charts below, you can see the ministry breakdown, increases by ministry area and a more detailed budget. Although the charts show you the details by the numbers let me explain the impact of this budget:
Greater investment in our global partners through Robert and our team's mission trips. Robert and the Belarus team just returned from investing in the church by providing teaching for the conference. Belarus, Scotland, Togo, and Valladolid are growing and flourishing.
Josh Crawford, Travis Stephens, Luke Rakestraw, and Mac Holt will be finishing up their last year in our Pastor's college. At the end of this year, it is our prayer they will have all finished seminary and be ordained in the PCA. Praise the Lord for his faithfulness to them over the past 5 years. Pray as we plan for the next group involved in our pastor's college.
We are so thankful for Preston & Jody Hicks joining our ministry team and leading our Senior Ministry. This is the fruit of our senior ministry committee who has been hard at work over the past year identifying the needs of our Senior Ministry.
Our ministry reach is growing, and with it the need for communication. We hope you have seen the fruit of TouchPoint and other forms of communication that has been implemented to serve our movement for greater impact.
Setting our sites on the next church plant.
…and the list could go on! I hope this short list encourages you that the Lord is at work. In the coming weeks, we will be sharing more of last year's impact and new initiatives we are looking forward to this next year.
2019-2020 Budget, By Area of Ministry
2019-2020 Budget Increases, by Category
Compensation & Benefits: $342,394
Increase of 30.7% which includes increase to current staff, facility cost increase, full year of Music Director, and Senior Ministry leadership.
Missions: $62,556
Increase of 29.73% which includes increasing the missions and Campus Outreach giving levels back to where they were two years ago, 1% added for Bluegrass Network, and an increase to Presbytery giving.
Worship: $11,200
Increase of 21.77%, which includes security & decorations
Administration: $10,310
Increase of 8.27%, which includes an increase to support staff.
Discipleship/Outreach: $9,125
Increase of 68.87%, which includes the cost for Foundations Weekend, Good of the Bluegrass Conference, and Children's Sunday School.
Church Life: $7,750
Increase of 24.84%, which includes increases to the Nursery, Men's Ministry, Women's Ministry, and Senior Ministry.
Click here to view a more detailed budget.
The movement you are giving towards:
As you consider your commitment to give, let me remind you that we do not give to meet a budget; we give, because God has given to us. Our motivation is the gospel. The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ that though He was rich yet for your sake he became poor so that you through His poverty we might become rich.
Why are we generous? Because we have known the gospel of God's generosity toward us. That is why TCPC exists for the glory of Christ and the good of the Bluegrass.