With the start of a new ministry year comes many opportunities to get connected to our church! Read below about several of those opportunities, and click the buttons to sign up!

Children’s Sunday School Classes

Children's Sunday School will kick off on Sunday, September 8th. Parents should be getting an email in the next week about your child's Sunday School class. If you have questions about Children's Sunday School, please email Emiy Wise (ewise@tcpca.org) or Will Witherington (wwitherington@tcpca.org) Here are the rooms for each grade:

  • Pre-K: 118 and 126

  • Kindergarten: 105/107

  • 1st grade: 109/111

  • 2nd grade: 119

  • 3rd grade: 121

  • 4th/5th Girls: 123

  • 4th/5th Boys: 125

  • MS Girls: 124

  • MS Boys: 131

  • High School: Youth Lounge

Adult Sunday School Classes

  • Bread and Water Class: Room 140

  • Bridge Class: Youth Room

  • VERITAS Class: Lower Level Boardroom

  • Vine Class: Lower Level Classroom

Click here to learn more about each Adult Sunday School class.

Men’s Wednesday Bible Study

The Wednesday Men’s Bible Study meets each Wednesday at noon in the lower-level boardroom. Our first class will be September 11th. We will be studying the gospel of Luke, the only gospel written by a gentile. God provides, through Luke, the story of Jesus and His ministry in a clear, chronological way. God’s gift of salvation for all who believe unfolds in a well written, easily understood manner. All men of all ages are welcome to join us for a time of fellowship, study, and prayer. We have been known to enjoy some coffee and a donut or two, as well! If you would like more information, please email Harry Standinger at hstandin@hotmail.com or just come and join us!

Company of Men Bible Study (Thursdays, 7:00 - 8:00 am)

The morning Men’s Bible Study meets each Thursday at 7:00 am in the lower-level boardroom, with light breakfast & fellowship starting as early as 6:45 am. We will start on September 12th, where we will be looking at the Proverbs to teach us how to seek and find wisdom through our relationship with God, self, others, and the world.This time will be led by Mark Randle, Luke Rakestraw, and others in the group. If you would like more information, please email Harry Standinger at hstandin@hotmail.com or just come and join us!

Fall 2024 Communicants Class

As a church, we pray continually that our children would profess their faith, thus fulfilling their baptism. Parents are often asking for direction in discerning if their child is ready to profess their faith and begin taking communion. This fall we are offering a 4-week class that will walk children through the basics of the Christian faith, as well as what it means to profess their faith. The recommended ages for this class are ages 8-12. Our fall Communicants Class will meet on Sunday afternoons from 4:00-5:00pm on September 15 and 22 and October 13 and 20. We plan to offer this class again in the spring as well. If you think your child is ready to begin this process, please contact Will Witherington for more information (wwitherington@tcpca.org).