
There are SO many ways to get involved at TCPC, to serve our neighborhood, to meet other churchgoers like you, and to grow in your faith and understanding of God. This page will list them all as we announcement them over the coming weeks. Scroll down to learn more, or click one of the links below to skip to a specific section.



 Ministries & Small Groups

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  • Parish Groups are multi-generational gatherings of people that live near you. These gatherings take place on a consistent basis throughout the year, and often involve food, fellowship, and discussion about that week's sermon. Even if you were in a group last year and want to remain in the same group, please sign up by August 31! This helps us plan well for these groups and place people in the best group according to where they live.

    Sign up for a parish group »

  • Our Children's Ministry program is growing and we need your help to "tell the coming generation the glorious deeds of the Lord" (Psalm 78). There are openings for Nursery, Sunday School and Gospel Storytime teachers. Please fill out this interest form and Nicole Dorton will be in touch with you soon to find the best fit!

    Fill out Interest Form »

  • Choir rehearsals will resume on August 30th at 6:45 PM. The fall is a busy season preparing for our Christmas Cantata along with beautiful music for regular Sundays. If you are looking for a way to serve at TCPC, be part of a fun and supportive community, and enjoy God’s gift of music; come join us! Newcomers are always welcome! Email Chelsea at csteyn@tcpca.org for information.

  • The Wednesday Morning Women’s Bible study will begin on September 13, 9:00 - 11:00 AM, with nursery provided. We will be studying the first half of the Gospel of Matthew using Jen Wilkin’s study materials. There is also an option to join the group via video call each week if you are unable to attend in-person. Cost of materials is $10. Childcare is provided for those who sign up using the link below. If you have any questions, please contact Julia Meador at jamat10215@aol.com.

    Sign up for Wednesday Morning Women’s Bible Study »

    Sign up for Wednesday Morning Childcare »

  • The Wednesday Men’s Bible Study meets each Wednesday at noon in the lower-level boardroom. Our first class will be September 13th. We will be studying the gospel of Luke, the only gospel written by a gentile. God provides, through Luke, the story of Jesus and His ministry in a clear, chronological way. God’s gift of salvation for all who believe unfolds in a well written, easily understood manner. All men of all ages are welcome to join us for a time of fellowship, study, and prayer. We have been known to enjoy some coffee and a donut or two, as well! If you would like more information, please email Harry Standinger at hstandin@hotmail.com or just come and join us!

  • ACCESS is a group that has been meeting weekly for well over 20 years to intercede for the needs of TCPC. The name is an acronym for the order of our prayers: Adoration, Confession, Contrition, Entreaties, Supplications, and Submission. We pray for our pastors, officers, staff, ministries, missions, and the personal requests of TCPC members. A prayer guide is prepared and emailed every Wednesday afternoon, and the group meets to pray together in the parlor at the church on Thursdays at 12:30. However, for those who are called to this ministry but are unable to attend the meetings, the guide is also sent to those who commit to pray through it in the privacy of your closet. If you sense the Lord’s leading for you to participate, whether it be in-person or on your own, please contact Preston Hicks at epnjphicks@twc.com. If you have a personal prayer request, please send it to Mary Beth Moore at mdmoorefamily@gmail.com, who prepares the guide every Tuesday.



Sunday School Classes

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  • Bread & Water is a new Sunday School Class taught by Tim Bickel, beginning with an introduction September 10th and then begins meeting weekly Sunday, October 1st. The purpose of this class is to develop a hunger and thirst for righteousness by cultivating and deepening our love for and knowledge of God’s Word. Along with His Word, this class will be designed to pursue intentional discussion, relationships, community and accountability within the Sunday School hour as well as get-togethers outside of Sunday mornings.

  • The Bridge Sunday School Class will resume on September 10 as we continue to make our way through the Old Testament, following the Gospel Project outline that is also being taught in our children's classes. It has been said that the Bible is “shallow enough for a child to wade in, but deep enough for an elephant to swim” so whether you’re brand new to the Bible or know it well, each week we look forward to learning more as we discuss together. Our teachers will be Luke Rakestraw and Tim Green. The Bridge Class meets at 10:20 in the Youth Room, next to the Gym.

  • This year we are offering a class for Parents of children ages 2 to 10. The class will run from September 2023 thru May 2024, and will require a high level of commitment. In order to make the most of the class, we are taking a limited number of couples and we are having an application process. Please click the link below to access the application and read a cover letter that gives more information. If you have questions please contact Will Witherington at wwitherington@tcpca.org. Applications are due no later than August 28.

    Apply for Parenting Class »

  • The VERITAS Adult Sunday School Class will resume its climb through the glorious mountains of Romans on September 10th. We meet at 10:15 in the Lower Level Classroom. Join us as we continue our study of Paul’s fullest, grandest, and most comprehensive statement of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Our teacher will be Ron Whitley. For more information and a time of class fellowship, connect with us for coffee and bagels on September 3rd.

  • Why do the Ten Commandments matter to Christians today? Are they just simplistic rules from over 1,000 years before Christ, or the words of a loving Father who wants the best for his people? The Ten Commandments are more than God’s regulations for Israel, they are a guide as we live to please God, a reflection of what God created the human heart to be, and a restraint against sin. Most of all, the Ten Commandments are about God. They reveal both his character and his will for us, and they point us to the Gospel. In the Fall semester of the Vine class, we’ll look at the implications of the Ten Commandments for the world and for the Christian life.



6th - 12th Grade Students

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Student Ministry Kickoff

The Student Ministry for 6th-12th grade students will begin with a kickoff event on Wednesday, September 6 from 7:00 - 8:30 PM. The Sunday School class will begin on September 10. 

Watch the Student Ministry Kickoff promo video:


Children’s Ministry

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  • Our Sunday School program for kids ages 3 through 5th grade will start with a special kick-off during the Sunday School hour on Sunday August 27th. Kids will start in the Fellowship Hall at 10:20am and then after a short lesson they will go to the gym for inflatables and fun!

  • Our nursery will be starting a playtime program on Tuesday mornings this Fall, led by Amber Waldrop. The program starts on August 22, 2023 This will be a time for parents to drop off their children for childcare from 9:00am-11:30am. The cost will be $18 per child (additional siblings $15).

    Sign up for Tuesday Playtime »