Who's Afraid of Halloween?

Robert shares his thoughts about how Christians can engage with the Halloween holiday in a God-honoring and Biblical way.

On the Topics of Contraception and Singleness

In the final follow-up episode from this year’s Good of the Bluegrass Conference theme, “Sacred Eros,” Robert addresses two questions that weren’t able to be answered during the conference: what does Sacred Eros say about contraception, and what does it say about my singleness?

The Theology of the Female Body

Secular feminism and purity culture teach very different perspectives about the uniqueness and value of the female body, but what does the Bible say? In this episode, Robert looks to scripture to find the principles that should shape the way women (and men) treat their bodies.

Pro-Life, Post-Roe

Roe v. Wade has been overturned—now what? In this week’s episode, Robert examines the next steps for the pro-life movement in the pursuit of mercy and justice for the vulnerable in our community.

Tracing Our Cultural Shift on Sexual Identity

How did our cultural norms change so quickly on LGBTQ+ issues? As a follow-up to the previous episode about erotic love, Robert looks closer at the issue of sexual identity, and finds that the shifts we’ve seen in the past 15 years are rooted in cultural movements which are centuries old.

Sacred Eros

In this episode, Robert shares an extended summary of the talks he gave at this year’s Good of the Bluegrass Conference. The theme of that conference (which is also the title of this episode) was designed to show us what the Bible has to say about erotic love, and how God designed it to be a reflection of his perfect redemption story.

Paul Adams
Surveying Secular Sexuality

In preparation for his talks about human sexuality at the upcoming Good of the Bluegrass Conference, where he will seek to bring the Christian sexual ethic back inside our culture’s “plausibility structure,” Robert uses this episode to first show the flaws of today’s prevailing sexual ethic, with the hope that skeptics will be willing to hear what the Bible has to say.

Honor Your (Unhealthy) Father and Mother

Most Christians know the Bible’s command to “honor your father and mother” but what exactly does that look like when your parents are mentally unhealthy or even physically abusive? This week’s episode focusses on the difficult topic of how parents should repent and how children can respond.

Why I’m Pro-Life

With a Supreme Court case about abortion rights making headlines, Robert makes a case for the pro-life viewpoint without using the Bible.

Paul Adams
It’s Time to Come Back to Church

The pandemic forced us all to worship God from home on Sunday mornings, but for most of us that season is now in the past. In this week’s episode, Robert points to several reasons why those of us who are “back to normal” Monday through Saturday should also make Sunday worship part of that normal too.

The Great Fear of American Christianity

After a trip to Great Britain, Robert addresses a common concern he hears about seeing the future of America in the present of Britain. Robert agrees that American churches could one day become museums and pubs (as in Britain), but not for the reasons you might think.

A New (Yet Old) Evangelism

How do you share your faith in a post-modern culture that’s radically different than the culture in which you came to faith? In this week’s episode, Robert gives his thoughts on how to reach the next generation in a Biblical way.

United Sports of America

Is there any part of our culture that isn’t divided these days? In this week’s episode, Robert argues that the arena of sports fandom is one of the few places left in our society where animosity is set aside for a few hours to cheer on a common cause. And yet, it is still a flawed replacement for the glory, community, and identity found in the Kingdom of God.

The Heart of Our Cultural Divide

This week Robert expands on last week’s podcast by examining the impact of our “loves” upon our tribalism and, just as important, how we treat the opposing tribe.

Satanic Schemes

After taking an extended break away from what’s trending on social media and our fast-paced modern news cycles, Robert is back from his sabbatical with a refreshed perspective of what he believes is happening to our culture.

Paul Adams
Why Your Pastor Needs a Sabbatical

In Robert’s final episode before heading off on a four-month sabbatical, he makes the case for why your pastor, because of his unique position and calling, needs a sabbatical too.

Redefining Singleness, Part 2

After debunking the myths of singleness in part 1, in this episode Robert unpacks what the Bible says about the “gift” of singleness and the implications this mindset can have upon your life.

Redefining Singleness, Part 1

Our culture has many flawed messages about what it means to be single, including our Christian sub-culture. But what does Jesus have to say about it? In part 1 of a series on singleness, Robert dispels several myths that our world and the church have told single people.
