Why I'm Writing for KSR

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Starting this month, I have agreed to be a regular contributor to Kentucky Sports Radio. Many of you are probably familiar with Kentucky Sports Radio (KSR), but undoubtedly some are not. KSR began as a small sports blog but has since developed into arguably Kentucky’s most well-known and influential media outlet. The website is one of America’s largest independent sports sites and receives more traffic than our state’s two major news outlets—the Lexington Herald Leader and Louisville Courier Journal. In addition, KSR has expanded to host Kentucky’s most popular radio show with 38 affiliates across the state as well as the TV show Hey Kentucky! on WLEX. Suffice it to say, this is a very exciting platform to share my thoughts and opinions with the Bluegrass, but at the same time, the opportunity is admittedly unconventional. So let me do my best to answer questions that I myself have had and you may have as well. 

Why did I agree to this opportunity and why has your session given unanimous approval? The same reason Paul debated in the marketplace and Areopagus in Acts 17. There was a time when the calling of the pastorate went beyond the local congregation to include the role of a public thinker and prophet. The clergy voice was welcomed and respected within the arena of public discourse and debate, and one of my unique passions is to restore that calling. 

This concept was already approved by our session as part of my job description when I agreed to contribute to the Lexington Herald Leader. However submitting opinion pieces to an established newspaper is admittedly different than writing for KSR. While I understand the unconventional and at times controversial nature of KSR, when the most influential media outlet in the Bluegrass asks me to offer my Christian perspective to the Bluegrass, then how can a pastor who exists for the good of the Bluegrass turn it down? 

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Does that mean that I agree or endorse all the content that is published on KSR? Of course not. Just as I do not agree or endorse much of the content in the Lexington Herald Leader. While KSR has matured over the years, it still holds true to its intentions to deliver the news "in the most ridiculous manner possible." I understand my opinion pieces will at times be published right alongside one of KSR's stereotypically ridiculous posts, but I am very comfortable with that. After all, the Savior I follow fellowshipped and associated with tax collectors and prostitutes; I think I can and should do likewise with KSR. At the end of the day, we are called to “be all things to all people” and KSR represents the people of Kentucky. I love this state, and it is an honor to be invited to add my voice to the voice our state listens to the most. 

The fact that KSR invited me is also very important to note. I did not pursue this opportunity in any way, and I was as surprised by it as anyone else. Matt Jones is seeking to expand KSR to include the opinions of some leaders in the Bluegrass, and he asked me if I would consider being the religion contributor. 

Let me speak briefly about Matt Jones specifically, because he is obviously the face and personality behind the KSR brand. Matt visited TCPC months ago, and introduced himself to me. Since then, we have spent time together, and I have really enjoyed getting to know him. Behind the public persona is a genuinely great guy that I now consider a friend. I both agree and disagree with Matt on many things, but I can tell you that I would not be doing this if I didn’t trust him. He has given me the freedom to write what I want, and KSR will not alter anything without my approval. 

All that to say I am very excited for this unique opportunity, and I want our congregation to join me in that excitement. The best way you can thank KSR for the opportunity is to share my contributions with others on social media. And most importantly, join me in praying that God will bless this for His glory and the good of the Bluegrass. 

Rev. Robert Cunningham