
I promised in my sermon on Sunday to provide some resources to help deepen the praying life of our congregation.  As you might expect, there were a lot of people who have suggested resources that have been particularly helpful for them.  We are going to look at these and compile a master list of suggested resources to post in the near future.

But I did want to pass along the link to the Tim Keller series I referenced.  It is very helpful if you are wanting to seek a deeper prayer life and communion with God.  He spends a lot of time sharing resources that are outside our tradition and you may not be as familiar with.  You can listen to one of the sermons for free and then decide if you would like to purchase the entire series here…

Keller on meditation

More importantly, I said in my sermon that the best way to learn how to pray is to practice prayer.  I challenged every member to get away and give Mark 1:35 a try before Easter Sunday.  To aid us in that pursuit we wanted to make the sanctuary available for prayer.  It is always available to anyone, but we cannot always guarantee there won’t be something going on.  Here are the times we have set aside for solitude and prayer…

Tuesday the 19th, Thursday the 21st, and Tuesday the 26th:  6-9 AM, 5-8 PM

Every weekday from now until Good Friday:  12-1 PM (Lunch Hour)

May God give us the grace of His presence!
